Case Study: Terry’s Journey to a More Energy-Efficient Home


Terry had already taken significant steps towards improving the energy efficiency of his home. He had installed solar panels and batteries, harnessing renewable energy to power his household. Terry had also invested in a smart thermostat and intelligent thermostatic radiator valves, which gave him precise control over his heating system. Despite these efforts, he found his home remained draughty, particularly during colder and windier days.

The Problem:

When we conducted a home energy survey, we identified the primary cause of the draughts: the airbricks located below the floor. Terry’s home, set on a hill, had an elevated ground floor at the back of the house that was quite exposed to the elements. This positioning made the airbricks more susceptible to letting in cold air, resulting in discomfort despite Terry’s high-tech heating control systems.

The Solution:

We recommended installing Airex smart airbricks, which are designed to intelligently regulate ventilation, closing when necessary to prevent unwanted draughts while still maintaining good air quality. Through our assistance, we were able to secure a grant that covered the cost of this installation for Terry.

Airex smart air brick

The Results:

Since the installation, Terry has noticed a significant improvement in his home’s comfort, especially on windy days. As Terry described:

“The Sunday before the bank holiday was very windy. That afternoon, I was in the lounge looking at the trees being battered. And thought, wow, I can’t feel that wind here!”

This change has not only made his home more comfortable but has also improved the overall energy efficiency by reducing heat loss through draughts.

Ongoing Monitoring:

To ensure Terry’s home maintains a healthy indoor environment, we’ve installed air quality monitoring equipment. This system tracks key metrics like humidity, temperature, PM1 & PM2.5, CO2, and VOCs (volatile organic compounds). With this data, we can further assess Terry’s home environment and identify any potential issues related to indoor air quality.


Terry’s case highlights the importance of addressing all aspects of a home’s energy efficiency. Even with advanced heating controls and renewable energy sources in place, ensuring the home is properly insulated and draught-free is critical to comfort and efficiency. Through a combination of cutting-edge technology and targeted improvements, Terry has been able to significantly enhance his home’s energy performance.

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