Energy Advice

Reduce Energy, Save Costs, Go Green

Our energy advice service can help your household and business reduce consumption, cut costs, and drive environmental sustainability.

Take Control of
Your Energy Use

By understanding how you use energy and where waste occurs, you can implement practical strategies to improve efficiency, optimise usage, and make informed choices about energy sources.

Whether it’s adopting energy-saving technologies, making behavioural changes, or investing in renewable energy, explore the ideas below to take control of your energy use and enjoy both economic and environmental benefits.
Couple watching house energy efficiency

Energy Saving Ideas

Case Study: Helping Barry Create a Healthier, More Comfortable Home

Barry faced high humidity and daily condensation in his flat. After our energy survey, he added a kitchen extractor fan and window trickle vents, solving the issue. Humidity dropped, condensation disappeared, and Barry no longer needs his dehumidifier. He said, “The air feels fresher—not cold, just fresher.” Simple changes, healthier living!

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Two people standing outside looking at a heat pump

Case Study: Transforming Energy Efficiency in a 1960s Bungalow

Discover how we transformed a 1960s bungalow into a warmer, more energy-efficient home. Through tailored advice and improvements, we helped the homeowner reduce energy bills, improve insulation, and enhance overall comfort. Read this inspiring case study to see how small changes can make a big impact on energy efficiency and sustainable living.

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Unlock Savings with the Fairer Warmth App

At Green Isle of Wight, we use the Fairer Warmth app to provide personalised insights and practical advice that help you optimise energy usage, reduce costs, and minimise environmental impact. Fairer Warmth prioritises accessibility, ensuring everyone, including those in vulnerable situations, can stay warm and comfortable without financial strain. With its user-friendly interface and tailored recommendations, the app is a valuable tool for taking control of your energy use and contributing to a more sustainable future.

Free energy advice
for your home

We also offer an energy advice service called ‘EnergyWise’. By becoming EnergyWise, you can make your home warmer and more affordable to heat:

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