Warm Home Discount 2023 – Park Homes

The Park Homes Warm Home Discount scheme for 2023/24 is now open !

If you are a permanenet resident of a park home who pays the site owner for their electricity then you may be eligible for £150 but it is on a first come, first served basis.

Who qualifies?

You may qualify for the Park Homes Warm Home Discount if you (or a household member) receive one of the following:

Pension Credit
Income related Employment & Support Allowance
Income based Job Seekers Allowance
Income Support
Universal Credit showing an earned income between £0 and £1,561 a month
Child Tax Credit by virtue of an award based on an annual income not exceeding £18,723
Working Tax Credit by virtue of an award based on an annual income not exceeding £18,723
Housing Benefit (or Housing element if receiving Universal Credit)


The Total Gross annual household income across everyone living in your household is below £18,723 (before tax and deductions)

You can apply online at : https://charisgrants.com/partners/park-homes/

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